Lava Warriors of Club Penguin

Just another weblog

ACP Practice Battle

Posted by hedgehogmagoo on January 31, 2009

Guys ACP is having a Practice Battle Tomorrow Basicly Its A-M is Red Team and N-Z Is Blue Team here it is

Boomer’s Edit: For the Mittens situation, click HERE.

Here’s the info on the practices and I’ll try to keep it short (my posts get increasingly longer the more time I have to spend on them, and I really need to focus on Promo Day…).

First, we will hold a practice session, where we will focus on the tactic of spreading out.

When: Saturday, January 31, 2009

Server: Snow Fort

Room: Boomer’s Igloo on the map


10:00 am Pacific

11:00 am Mountain

12:00 pm Central

1:00 pm Eastern

6:00 pm U.K.

For this one, just come in ACP Green.  We will be following it up with a recruiting session.


The next one is the Practice Battle.

When: Sunday, February 1, 2009

Server: Snow Fort

Room: Snow Forts

Teams: Red vs. Blue


9:30 am Pacific

10:30 am Mountain

11:30 am Central

12:30 pm Eastern

5:30 pm U.K.

As you may know, there are two teams, Red and Blue.  Each Division will represent a color.  Division I (Alpha, Delta, and Echo), led by Abercrombe29, represents the Red Team.  Division II (Gamma, Kappa, and Sigma), led by Rapidy, represents the Blue Team.  Please arrive at the battle in appropriate colors.  If you do not have a Division yet, names starting with A-M will be Red, and N-Z will be Blue.

Here are the uniforms.  They can be adjusted based on what clothing items you have, but you must be the color you are assigned.



In case one of the team leaders cannot make it, here is how we will work the battle leadership.  If the first leader on the list cannot make it, the second will lead, and so forth.  Once a leader has led a practice battle, they will move to the bottom of the list so the next person on the list can lead.  Make sure you know who is leading so you know who to listen to, and if you are your team’s leader, make sure they know you are in charge.

Red Team:

  1. Abercrombe29
  2. The Jungle N
  3. Casiusbrutus
  4. Cooltiger413

Blue Team:

  1. Rapidy
  2. Nodear
  3. Meggis1234
  4. Hattrick

Remember what we have been practicing, especially for this, because it will probably be more chaotic than usual. 

  • Make sure to spread out and pay attention on Club Penguin
  • Stay quiet so you can see commands, and only talk when you are executing a joke bomb, spam charge, emote bomb, etc.
  • Leaders should lead entirely on CP, so soldiers, don’t worry about checking the chat
  • If everyone is ready on CP, you will have much better execution on charges, etc
  • Make sure you know who is leading.  Check the list above, and whoever at the battle is highest on that list will be leading
  • Leaders, make sure you are there early so you can make sure your soldiers know you are in charge

Next, I was hoping to have a party of some sort after this practice battle (I don’t know if I really have time to prepare it, but maybe we could have a Super Bowl party ? ).  I was thinking maybe Sheila or someone could schedule one.  Let me know if you can do this by tomorrow.  Until then, if whoever is doing this could decorate their igloo, that would be great.  As long as someone plans it, I don’t care whose igloo it is in, so you can volunteer for your igloo to be the site of the party if you want.

Always, comment if you can make either of the practices!


Sorry, that post wasn’t really that short, was it? |

P.S.~Don’t forget the ACP Nation Flag Contest, as well as the Election results!  Here is the email if you need it.

well thats alot of info to remember so hope to see you there oh yea Me and Josh are on The same team plus we have abercrombe29 🙂 im some what her friend so yea sope to see you there



4 Responses to “ACP Practice Battle”

  1. А я так посмотрю, Вы как всегда немногословны 😉

  2. Pouch Pouch9 said

    Will you merge into red bull army we are #10 medium army please merge just comment on he site if u decide to

  3. Bлacть said

    Большое спасибо за замечательную возможность оставлять комментарии на Вашей странице!

  4. Approach said

    Офигеть просто! Почти все, блин, об этом знают, кроме меня 🙂

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